Our Book Ambassadors
Book Ambassadors are students that make up the Gift of Reading campaign teams. Each team fundraises money in their local community to encourage enough donations so that we can provide three books for each student in the school. At the end of the program, Ambassadors help out in the distribution of books to their school. Many of these students learn core business skills such as money management, leadership, and more. Below are the kinds of projects that they do in order to raise sufficient funds for their school. If you are interested in any of the core fundraisers, please contact us about setting up sponsorship to help a Book Ambassador team reach their goal!

T-Shirt Sales:
I like Big Books and I cannot lie!
One fundraising project created by Gift of Reading is our t-shirt fundraiser that promotes a love of reading. Students are able to submit designs and vote on their favorite t-shirt. We then hand over the design to be printed. A school will typically allow students to wear t-shirts on school spirit days.